Naturally Bio

Our wines are certified Organic and Biodynamic since 2007 and also Vegan as we do not use animal products during the vinification. Furthermore, some of them do not contain added sulphites. They are all characterized by balance and elegance; clean and natural to smell and taste, they are present in many guides with excellent results. Over the years we have received numerous awards and articles that you will find under each wine.

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The Cellar

The wine cellar is the domain of our cellar master Miri Velli who, in collaboration with our oenologist, Vincenzo Munì, accompanies the wines from vinification to bottling.
Vincenzo sees himself as an assistant to Nature. He is one of the few real game changers in his field, who studied Biodynamics in-depth, which changed his life for the better.

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The earth is the source of life. The earth is mother to an infinite number of animal speciesand plants. But what allows the earth to be the bearer of life is the air. The air allows theearth to accommodate microorganisms and various species o insects and to easily anduniformly absorb water.

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Respect for life in all its forms is the principle on which we base our philosophy: concretely, that means respecting nature as land, and as a place where people, animals, insects, plants and trees live together in harmony, and not least, respecting our health and that of the people we work with.

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The secret is to understand nature, understand its mysterious forces and use it:do agriculture according to the laws of nature.

Tastings with a visit


Events andother activities

This section is dedicated to the dates and information about the events and courses we hold at the winery  throughout the year.

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Our hall, adjacent to the terrace overlooking the vineyards and to a professional kitchen, hosts wine tastings, courses and events organised by us. We also rent it for various activities.

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