The Cellar

The freedom to combine technology and Biodynamic methods

The wine cellar is the domain of our cellar master Miri Velli who, in collaboration with our oenologist, Vincenzo Munì, accompanies the wines from vinification to bottling.
Vincenzo sees himself as an assistant to Nature. He is one of the few real game changers in his field, who studied Biodynamics in-depth, which changed his life for the better.

To our company, it has always been of prime importance to produce quality wines. Therefore, we began to focus on the quality of the grapes, converting to biodynamic agriculture in 2006, which prioritizes the vineyard over the cellar in winemaking.

In the harvest period the clusters, picked by hand, are swiftly brought to the cellar, thus avoiding early oxidation. Our 18 hectares of vineyards are organized in one entity around the area of vinification.

In the cellar, we combine technology and Biodynamic methods to be able to completely eliminate the chemicals used in conventional winemaking, while still maintaining good organoleptic results. After the harvest, in small perforated crates and with minimal intervention on the part of the winemaker, begins a simple process which involves the use of temperature-regulated stainless-steel tanks connected to a cooling plant which ensures a regular fermentation process and a partial clarification of the must.

Vincenzo sees himself as“an assistant to Nature”

Alongside stainless-steel tanks we also use amphorae and French oak barrels to ferment our wines. In the cellar, season after season, we attach great importance to experimentation, because experimenting, we understand, discover and evolve. It is from experimentation that our wines without added sulphites were born – a homemade success story.