Our BiodynamicVineyards
Our property, located in the village of Tassarolo, in the heart of Gavi, has 18 hectares of vineyards organized around the winery. The grape varieties we grow here are Cortese di Gavi, Barbera and Cabernet Sauvignon. In 2006 our company began to practice biodynamic agriculture. The methods of this type of farming were first discussed by Rudolf Steiner in 1924, in a response letter to the Count of Keyserlingk and his peasants who had complained about soil erosion and low-quality crops.
In a series of conferences which lay the foundations of biodynamic agriculture Steiner emphasized the importance of “life forces".
This type of agriculture, which focuses on soil quality and on the equilibrium of the plants, foresees the use of green manure, such as horn manure and horn silica, biodynamic compost and macerated vegetative matter.
Obviously, it never makes use of herbicides, chemical substances or systemic products which enter into the life cycle of the plants.
At the beginning of spring, we do not use dessicants – or glyphosate – to limit the growth of the grass: we merely do some cutting or tilling between the vine rows and otherwise tolerate a bit of grass.
We respect the earth from which life is born. So doing we preserve the environment, the people and animals that live there, the groundwater reserves and the air.
To avoid diseases of the vine we only use two products: sulphur and copper, as farmers did a hundred years ago. The doses are limited and parametrized. The inspection bodies of the organic certification centre could arrive in any vineyard at any time, to take a sample of leaves for analysis. Sulphur and copper are systemic products, but they are washed away by the rain. At the end of June we do the last treatment if weather conditions make it necessary. Then we leave the plants untouched until harvest.
We spray on horn manure and horn silica, two entirely natural preparations. Horn manure is applied several times in autumn and in spring, while horn silica is sprayed onto the leaves generally before the harvest period as it enhances photosynthesis and stimulates the ripening of the grapes.
In autumn we use the Biodynamic compost as fertilizer. Composted for six months, it is composed with cattle and horse manure, hay and pomace.
In addition, we plant green manure, a mix of leguminous plants which are grown in alternate rows in the vineyards and can grow up to one metre of height. In May/June we cut them and bury them in the soil. They provide the vine with natural nitrogen, allow the soil to breathe by loosening up the earth with their roots and promote biodiversity attracting bees, butterflies and other insects. Let us remember that oxygen is the element most essential for a fertile soil.
Thus, we strive to live side by side with nature, without wanting to dominate. Our goal is to create a balance within the plants – not to have them overproducing. We respect the earth from which life is born. So doing we preserve the environment, the people and animals that live there, the groundwater reserves and the air. The earth is our source of food and water. What kind of place will we leave to future generations if we keep poisoning the earth, poising ourselves?